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Performance beyond your Expectation

Real Estate Trust

Legal issues related to real estate trusts are divided into development trusts, management trusts, disposal trusts, and collateral trusts depending on the purpose of the trust, and the key is to provide legal services such as appropriate advice in each case. In addition, it is an area where expertise is required in each field for various legal problems incidental to the trust contract process.


Law group Minju provides the best legal services suitable for each complex and diverse task, focusing on professional lawyers with years of experience in advice and litigation in the real estate trust field.

Related Practices

- Consultation and response to legal issues with persons involved in the trust contract

- Consultation on the Initial Structural Design and Business Management of Real Estate Trusts

- Legal advice on the tax sector related to the trust business

- Consultation on licensing procedures related to the establishment of a trust company


- The first Supreme Court ruling on whether a real estate trust company should bear management costs, and civil litigation on various issues related to real estate trust.

- Litigation for the return of the sale price against the trust company

- a lawsuit for the full amount of trust beneficiary rights

- The court raled that the Plaintiff must compensate Korea Trust Co., for the value of the managed land trust contract as it does not constitute a fraudulent trust. On behalf of Korea Trust Co., Ltd. the defendant, we claimed that the instant managed land trust contract was not a fraudulent trust and the settlement process was not completed, and led to a judgment against the Plaintiff(Seoul Central District Court 2017 on revocation of the fraudulent act, appeal)
